El grupo de danza estadounidense Step Afrika! (Washington, DC) está de visita en nuestra ciudad como parte del programa del Consulado de los Estados Unidos en Monterrey llamado “Enviados Culturales” (Arts Envoys).
Los invitamos a su presentación hoy Jueves 24 de julio en el Auditorio San Pedro (Humberto Lobo esquina Ave. Morones Prieto) a las 20:00 horas. La entrada es gratuita. Pueden hacer extensiva esta invitación. La compañía de danza Step Afrika!, fue fundada en 1994 como la primera compañía profesional de danza dedicada a la tradición del stepping, tipo de baile que es arte y forma parte importante del patrimonio artístico y cultural de Estados Unidos. Actualmente esta compañía es de las diez mejores compañías de danza afroamericana en Estados Unidos, misma que combina distintos tipos de percusión y movimientos originarios de tribus africanas. Este excelente grupo de danza ha ganado premios como el Mayors Arts Awards (2012) por excelencia en disciplina artística, el premio Pola Nirenska (2011) por logros en danza contemporánea y el Metro DC Dance Award (2010) por mejor interpretación grupal. Pueden encontrar un video promocional del grupo en la siguiente liga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvZ_CXmM0R8&list=UUqOQdzW9x8kr8-GvFDHZwJw
El Ing. Mario A. Trujillo Guerra, Subdirector de Área de la Delegación Nuevo León, hace de su conocimiento que el Canciller José Antonio Meade Kuribreña, autorizó los Acuerdos por los cuales se dan a conocer las convocatorias a los Concursos Públicos General de Ingreso a las ramas Diplomático-Consular y Técnico-Administrativa del Servicio Exterior Mexicano 2014, con el fin de cubrir hasta 35 plazas en la categoría de Agregado Diplomático, así como hasta 60 plazas en la categorías de Técnico Administrativo "C", de las cuales 30 plazas son para especialistas en el área de Administración y 30 plazas para especialistas en el área de Asuntos Consulares y de Protección. Por tal motivo, se anexan al presente las convocatorias de los concursos en mención, las cuales fueron publicadas en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el pasado viernes 18 de julio de 2014. Para mayor información sobre las convocatorias, pueden consultar la siguiente liga http://ingresosem.sre.gob.mx/ o en la página de la SRE (www.sre.gob.mx) o acudir a la Delegación de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores ubicada en la Plaza Paseo Tec, Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada #2411 Col. Roma en Monterrey. El periodo de inscripción en línea será únicamente del 21 de julio al 1° de agosto de 2014 a las 11:30 am. Cualquier duda que se tenga al respecto pueden remitirla a los correos[email protected] y [email protected]. ![]()
2nd Annual International Bar Association and International Law Students Association Conference7/22/2014 The 2nd IBA-ILSA Conference, which will take place at the University of Law, London, England from 5 - 6 September 2014.
IBA-ILSA Conference topics will include:
More information Registration (early bird registration discounts before 1 August) The LL.M. in Comparative Law Program at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville, Florida, USA, designed exclusively for graduates of law schools outside of the United States and from the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico who want to enhance their understanding of the laws and legal language and culture of the United States of America.
Degree Requirements and Course of StudyStudents must complete 26 semester hours, usually during a single academic year (although university rules allow up to five years to complete the degree). Six credits are mandatory courses offered exclusively to LL.M. students: four for a comparative introduction to the legal system of the United States and to legal research and writing in professional English, taught during the summer term; and two credits of a second introduction to the U.S. legal system taught in the Fall and Spring. LL.M. students must also complete a research paper. The remaining 20 credits are chosen by each student from the J.D. and tax curriculum with counseling from the program director to fit their specific areas of practice or interest. The Student Body and Academic ProgramsLL.M. in Comparative Law students have come from over 43 countries to join approximately 1,000 full-time J.D. students; over 120 lawyers enrolled in Graduate Tax and Environmental Law Programs; and international lawyers in the LL.M. in Comparative Law and LL.M. in International Taxation Programs. To read more about each of these programs, visit our international programs page. To Apply or For More Information
An exciting opportunity has arisen again for members of the IBA Law Students’ Committee to participate in a ground breaking, distance learning, international law course for the Autumn 2014 term. The course is a survey course in international human rights law, which will provide an introduction to the basic principles of international human rights and the legal institutions that operate in this area. The course has been developed by Dr Mark Ellis, a lawyer and economist who is the Executive Director of the International Bar Association, and Professor Talbot D’Alemberte, a former President of the American Bar Association; he continues to teach at Florida State University, having served as President of the institution until 2003. Although there are some suggested readings, most of the course material will be available online. Students from around the world will correspond with each other, and course leaders, via specially created blogs and discussion boards. The course will feature regular assessments and quizzes and a number of exercises. Grading will be based on performance on the quizzes and exercises. Classes are held on Wednesday mornings from 0900 - 1050 am EST. It is important that you are available to attend these classes remotely. Instructions on how to log on to attend the course online will be provided by the course administrators if you are selected to participate. All students successfully completing the course will receive a certificate from the International Bar Association. The course will commence on 27 August 2014, and it will finish on 19 November 2014. The course will cover the following topics:
This course is only open to IBA Law Students’ Committee members and students of Florida State University. Places on this course are limited. If you are not yet an IBA member, you can join by referring to the Membership section of the IBA website. More information on the IBA Law Students’ Committee can be found on the Law Students Home Page. All applicants are required to submit a 500 – 1,000 word essay on what they currently consider to be the most pressing concern in International Human Rights Law. There is no right answer to this question, and we encourage students to select a topic based on their current experience and interests. The best essays might be selected for publication in the Student Newsletter. If you are interested in enrolling please send your essay, along with your résumé, and a completed copy of the application form to [email protected]. You can find the application form attached to this email. The application deadline for this course is Monday, 28 July 2014 (midnight, BST). Kind regards, Esther De Raymaeker IBA Senior Projects Advisor ![]()
A few more pictures sent by the FLDM law students who did a Summer Exchange Program in Madrid, 2014.
Are Lectures On The Way Out? Harvard Professor Proposes A Better Way To Teach In the pictures we see Jorge Fernández in Boston, Mass. Jorge recently graduated from the LL.M. program in American Law (Concentration in International Business Practice) at Boston University Law School. Congratulations and welcome back !
The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is organizing a Mediation Workshop and an Arbitration Workshop in New York on November 6 and 7, 2014. Registration is now open. Participants may register for one or both Workshops. Participants will be awarded a certificate of participation. Continuing Legal Education (CLE) or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit will be available.
¿Has oído hablar de (re)escribiendo derecho(s)?
Se trata de un blog de exalumnos de la FLDM (Aarón Segura, Arturo Colín, Darío Ángeles, Fernando Elizondo y Nora Picasso) que buscan aportar a la discusión de temas actuales. Aunque cubren principalmente de temas de derecho constitucional, derechos humanos, derecho administrativo y teoría del derecho, el derecho internacional no ha estado ajeno. Aquí una muestra de los principales artículos sobre temas internacionales, para tu fin de semana:
Très bon weekend à toutes et tous !
![]() Dinorah Cantu’s Commencement at the Yankee Stadium. Dinorah recently graduated from the Master in Public Administration (in Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy) program, at New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Congratulations, Dinorah ! ![]() Global Legal Skills Awards for 2014 were presented at the conference held in Verona, Italy (May, 2014). Prof. Juli Campagna, Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University (New York, USA) and Adjunct Professor of Law, Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey (Mexico), was recognized for developing English Immersion Training Programs and for exceptional devotion to meeting the needs of international students around the world. Congratulations Juli!!! ![]() FLDM Law School will co-host the 10th Global Legal Skills Conference! GLS-10 will take place at The John Marshall Law School (an FLDM Law School partner), in Chicago, May 2015. The Global Legal Skills Conference brings together professionals from around the world who work in law, legal education, skills education, and language. GLS has been hosted by The John Marshall Law School in Chicago (three times), by Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey (twice), by Georgetown University Law Center (once), and by the University of Verona Faculty of Law (once). It took place in Costa Rica twice. Diego is taking the "English for Law” course at University of New South Wales, one of the various FLDM approved courses for Summer 2014.
English for Law is an interactive course designed to give the written and spoken English skills necessary to communicate effectively with clients and professionals in a legal environment. Enjoy! |
September 2017